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A) Assessment of Candidate's Participation within the formulated Rules
B) Planning and Intelligent Assessment of the situation
C) Individual Quality in context to the Group
D) Assuming control of a Group to execute a task
E) Assess the problem from different angles
F) Assign responsibility to Team mates
G) Ability to realize the Potential of Group Members
H) Capacity to motivate others
I) Alertness
J) Creative Thinking
K) Putting the Group before the Self
L) Helping Tendency
M) Originality of Thought
N) Quick Decision Making
O) Cooperation with Others
P) Group Integration
Q) Planning and Execution
R) Leadership Initiative
Remember to be natural and calm, be yourself, do your best, put the interest of the group before your own, and always be alert. By being yourself your qualities are easily seen by the selectors. All the selectors are well trained, so please do not use any unfair means and bluff.
2023-09-26 14:15:41