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Sweaty Hands or Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, is a common disorder which produces a lot of tension. Most of the candidates who suffer from this condition are generally rejected by SSB Medical board.
Why excessive sweating not accepted in defense?
• Hampers your ability to work
• You might have problem holding weapons for prolonged duration
• You can slip while climbing a rope or when hanging from helicopter (just an example)
What causes the palms of your hands to sweat?
Medically, the condition of having excessively sweaty palms is known as “Palmar Hyperhidrosis”. In general, it can be caused by two different things- emotional stress and the result of your body trying to control its temperature (thermoregulation). ... These are the sweat glands responsible for your sweaty palms
What is the cause of sweaty hands ?
Eccrine sweat glands are particularly numerous on the feet, palms, face, and armpits. When your body is overheated, when you're moving around, when you're feeling emotional,

or as a result of hormones, then nerves activate the sweat glands. When those nerves overreact, it causes hyperhidrosis.
How do I stop my hands from sweating?
Here are some quick tips if you get sweaty palms: Wash your hands regularly. Unless they're actually dirty, just using water is fine, as constantly washing with soap will dry your skin. Carry tissues with you and wipe your hands throughout the day.
Is there a cure for sweaty hands?
. Botulinum toxin: Another treatment option for heavy sweating is injections of botulinum toxin A (Botox), the same medicine used for wrinkles. Botox is FDA-approved for treating excessive sweating of the underarms, but some doctors may also use it on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.
How do I stop my hands from sweating?
Iontophoresis (the no-sweat machine) If excessive sweating affects your hands,feet, or both areas, this may be an option. You will use this treatment at home. It requires you to immerse your hands or feet in a shallow pan of tap water.
2018-01-05 20:42:53