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Cubitus valgus or a carrying angle is a medical deformity in which the forearm is angled away from the body to a greater degree than normal when fully extended. A small degree of cubitus valgus (known as the carrying angle) is acceptable and occurs in the general population.

This angle allows your forearms to clear your hips when you swing your arms, such as during walking. It is also important when carrying objects. Certain fractures of the elbow can increase the carrying angle of the elbow, causing the arms to stick out too much from the body. This is called an excessive carrying angle.

let me explain elbow anatomy in simple words.
our arms go straight down from the shoulders. the forearms are angled outwards slightly at the elbow.
This is known as “carrying angle”
Carrying agile of elbow keeps hands clear of our pelvis while walking and running.
Normal carrying angle is seven degrees. both elbows are symmetrical.
Exaggerated carrying angle is “cubits Valgus” Its is a noticeable deformity and sometimes needs correction.
Criteria for correction are simple
1. relative indication- cosmetic correction
2. absolute indiction- deformity with ulnar nerve symptoms and severe deformity
You need to know a bit about the nerves of our arms.
three main nerves. ulnar, radial and median. these nerves supply all muscles of forearm and hand.
Ulnar nerve supplies muscles on inner aspect of forearm and small muscles of hand. It’s very important.
Ulnar nerve passes around inner aspect of elbow just under the skin.
pressure on inner angle of elbow causes a tingle down to hand. Thats why its called “the funny bone”
now your answers.
1. cubitus valgus will not correct spontaneously. only exception is a mild deformity in a very small child.
2. if you are getting ulnar nerve symptoms AND your deformity is significant you WILL require a correction by surgery.
this corrective surgery is called an osteotomy and gives immediate deformity correction. This also protects you from getting a late or slow (tardy) ulnar nerve palsy (paralysis)
Osteotomy means creating a surgical cut in the bone above the elbow and stabilising it with wires/screws/plates in appropriate position.
at the time of osteotomy surgeon my just free up the nerve or transpose it in front of the elbow.
once you recover your surgeon may allow you all activities.
2018-01-18 13:37:21