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Preparation of SSB on daily basis can be done like…
• Regularity- Always be regular to all your works so you can get maximum time for preparation, read newspapers on daily basis, some good books for increasing communication skills, increase physical fitness for GTO testing.
• Build some basic OLQ's- Try to inculcate some basic OLQ's in your daily life and for that, you need to be kind, helpful, truthful and always be yourself.
• Preparation for OIRT - Practice verbal and non-verbal reasoning, do practice lot of problems so you can maintain enough speed.
• Test your mind- Whenever you get time just start the stopwatch and write the story on the scenario wherever you are sitting being time-bound (4 minutes). This helps so much for TAT, PPDT.
• Buy a good book for SSB- Always keep this book with you, just read it when you get time and practice lot of SRT's. Always try to do set of 60 SRT's within 30 minutes..
• Practice narration- Daily prepare at least 1 topic for lecturette and stand in front of the mirror, speak, watch time(3 minutes), PPDT narration is also must( maximum 1 minute).
• Always think about your strength and weakness, try to be yourself, never portray yourself on anyone other.
• Be confident always whatever you do.
2018-01-18 13:40:38