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The purpose behind giving lecture is – an officer is required to lead his men, address them at short notice with confidence and fluency, which must be forceful and effective & it should inspire confidence in them. One must be proficient in the art of public speaking. It has to be delivered extempore. Any ambiguity or misinterpretation may put in danger the lives of men under his command and may result in catastrophe.
The test provides every candidate with an opportunity to put across his views in a systematic and logical manner before his audience without any hindrance or interruption.
FOR PRACTICE : Don’t get nervous. Be cool, calm and collective. Speak with full confidence. Stand in a relaxed manner. Avoid fiddling with any part of your body. Be enthusiastic. Put life and spirit in your delivery. Keep voice normal. It should be neither too high nor too low.
Be careful to avoid politics and controversial points. Men in the armed forces are expected to be above politics and other matters that divide people and cause conflicts.

Capt Satish Kumar, Indian Army
2023-11-03 14:04:22