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SSB aspirants learn the questions likely to be asked through various sources and rehearse diplomatically good answers. This is a very poor strategy because candidates who go with this strategy often perform badly because of the following:
• If unprepared questions get asked the candidate gets stumped and panics. Such a situation almost always occurs.
• The rehearsed answers are invariably not all honest and consistent with the candidate’s personality.

Please think that you are speaking to a friend, maintaining a state of relaxed attentiveness (as you would do while watching an interesting movie).
During rapid fire questions, please do not try to remember the sequence of questions desperately. If you can remember it is fine & if you do not then also it is okay. Answer whatever questions you remember and if you have forgotten then seek pardon of the IO and ask him to repeat the questions.
There are only three kinds of questions. Please answer them keeping the advice given below in mind:
• Questions about personal life: Please answer them honestly and undiplomatically.
• Academic questions/ practical problems: Please take your time to think and answer well. If you do not know the answer then state so. If you are confident about the answer but not sure then say: “I am not sure, but would like to guess & then answer.”
Questions about general awareness: Answer these questions like the academic

2023-04-21 16:17:17