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Conference is the result announcement day, it will be conducted on the last day of ssb, in which all the board members sit in a conference hall and call the candidates one by one. It takes place as follows-
There are the cases at the end of ssb:
1. One are those who have perform good in all three tests i.e psychology test, interview and GTO. And also the one who failed / not performed well all the three tests. These candidates are one who get recommended / rejected in ssb and for them conference is just like an formality.

2. Second category is of those candidates who have done well in two tests but not able to perform the satisfaction of the third officer . In this case the third testing officer is given option by the President of the Board to decide. If he agrees, then he is recommended. Otherwise his candidature will be decided based the the questions put up to him and if the candidate is able to convince the Board, he gets recommended otherwise conference out.
2023-04-19 09:45:31