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Articles of PD



Secrets of successful people

The great successful men of the world have used their imagination... they think ahead and create their mental picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this a bit and that a bit, but steadily building-steadily building. Some of the secrets of highly successful people are;

1.     Successful people are good at using their dominant skills in doing what they love to do and in what they really excel. They are good at evaluating their own strength and weakness and accordingly they built their own temple of success.

2.     They tried to actualize their strength and minimize the effect of their weaknesses.

3.     They have a clear vision and mission of what they want to do.

4.     They are highly confident and never let setbacks and failures dent their confidence.

5.     They have identified the power of subconscious mind. Conscious minds are clumsy and limited in capacity. Subconscious mind is much larger in potential and capability than the conscious mind. Successful persons know how to use it successfully to realize their goals and dreams.

6.     They are highly consistent and believe in, “doing well is not enough, giving the best in each of the undertaking is more important”.

7.     A goal well remembered is well achieved. Having created goals, successful people remain focused on them, and never doubting their ability to accomplish them.

8.     The courage to take calculated risks is a big factor in their success.