+91 9789491947, 8248433928

Selection Procedure


PIQ form

  • Now those have cleared the screening test, will be provided with personal information questionnaire (PIQ) form which is very important for you and for them too.
  • They will tell you all the details on how to fill, what to fill.

How to behave in the center?

  • Once you’re done filling the PIQ form, the SSB staff will give you new chest numbers.
  • After screening get over and submission of PIQ forms, your free for the day.
  • Go in gentleman dress in mess and anywhere.
  • And wake up early in the morning to get prepared before time. Breakfast will be ready from 6 am.

Day#2: Four Tests

Next day: you’ve to face four psychological tests:

  1. TAT- Thematic appreciation test
  2. WAT- WORD Association Test
  3. SRT-situation reaction test
  4. SDT- Self description test

Test#1: TAT thematic appreciation test

  • Here you will be shown 11 pictures same like in screening test, timing will be same and you need to go through same process. After completing 11 pictures they show one blank slide and u need to make story around it.
  • You will be provided sheets with number on it. First 6 pages will be utilized for it.
  • This is test of your imagination and skills.
  • Write each story and complete it. No need to describe picture but to write story around it.

Test#2: WAT- WORD Association Test

  • This test is second test in psychological tests.
  • 60 words will be shown to you and you need to make meaningful  sentence with it in 15 seconds per word
  • when you will write sentence with given words it will point out your personality and traits of your personality.
  • As there will be very less time so you will indirectly go to your genuine mode so it will give fair idea about your personality to psychologist.