+91 9789491947, 8248433928

Selection Procedure


Task 1: Group Discussion (GD)

This is very first test if given in sequence they normally follow. It will be 15 and 15 minutes affair, means you will be going through 2 group discussion.

unlike the previous discussion round (on day#1), here you don’t have to not to come to common conclusion and you can express what you want (in a good manner.)

  • 1st  group discussion GTO will provide you 2 topic and will give you not more than 30 seconds to decide as you will decide again he will brief what should you discuss and he will ring a bell to start and as 15 minutes will over and he will conclude the GD.
  • Then he will give  a subject to you for 2nd GD, and will again brief you by taking seat as opposite to his previous one.

Task 2: GPE or MPE group/military planning exercise:-

  • In this test, they’ll have a wooden plate map with embossed river, jungle, village drawn over it.
  • GTO will brief you about the situation e.g. terrorists are planning to raid over village or there is an ambush etc.
  • GTO will check your skills in map reading, memory , thinking process, planning, strategy,  teamwork, priority of work and will observe your anxiety and pressure killing tactics.
  • First he will instruct you about given model and then will say see for few time and will give you one sheet where list of problem and situation will be given again he will give you time to see map.
  • then write your own solution on a blank sheet
  • He will collect sheets and will say to discuss among group and decide group plan
  • You’ll have to finish it in 15 minutes, then he will ask who is going to explain group plan to me? So it will be the time to go forward, take the lead and give him plan with the help of pointer.
  • Use pointer in a style, don’t use it as a walking stick.
  • Be confident and look towards everyone and even towards GTO as you are explaining it to him.