+91 9789491947, 8248433928

Selection Procedure




Process of conference

  • They will ask you to come in any sequence so be ready for your turn at any time. The SSB staff  will be sitting besides the door of conference hall and where you all assembled,  there will be screen showing chest number.
  • As your chest number flashes out go and knock the door, enter with confidence and seat by permission and follow same procedure as you did in interview. Wish only to president.  And look towards president.
  • Conference is process of not more than 5 to 10 minutes process. In case it goes on more time don’t show panic signs or victories gestures because you don’t know why they are going for length.
  • Conference is process where every assessor will put his point in front of board and they will discuss about your SSB and traits, personality, loyalty, team spirits officers like qualities, and if psychologist, GTO ,IO agree,  you will get selected.
  • Next process will be concluding address… he will say thank you all for coming here and being very gentle and if you cant make this time do come next time and for those who exhausted with their attempts you can be good citizens of India and best luck guys and he will  tell you result.