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Screening Test consits of 2 tests.

  1. OIR - Officers Intelligence Rating
  2. PP&DT - Picture Perception & Description Test

As far as OIR is concerned, it is very very easy. Very basic Mental Ability questions are asked and ample amount of time is given to complete them. They also provide some practice before the original test just to keep you going.

The tricky part is the PPDT. Everyone is worried only about that. Read the text that follows very carefully and I am sure you will learn something usefull.

You are shown a hazy picture for 30 seconds.  You are given 1 minute to mark  character and write its details and 4 minutes to write the story.  Each and every person perceives different things.

TIP : This is not a picture description exercise. You have to make a story around the picture and not just describe it like.

TIP : Make sure your story has 3 paragraphs - a past (what led to the situation you perceived), a present (what is the situation) and a future (the outcome of the situation).

After that you are divided into groups of 15/20.

You are called in and  sit according to  chest numbers. Then you are  to recite your story in 2 minutes and as soon as the person before you finishes, you have to start your story without wasting any time.

TIP : No hi, no hello, no good morning, no good evening, No Bullshit, just recite your story. Make sure you don't look towards the accessors and also make sure to make a healthy eye contact with other candidates.

After each candidate finishes, discussion starts immediately. You  have to arrive at a common group story and you have to nominate a person from the group to recite the common story.

TIP : Be nice, be respectful. Don't say that someone is wrong. Just add your own points in the discussion. Don't try to dominate the discussion.  You can also speak Hindi. If you are able to impress the accessors with the quality of your content, then language does not matter.

Just to sum up the dos and donts of the screening test :


  • Write a sensible story relevant to the picture.
  • Include 3 paragraphs in the story - past, present and future.
  • Recite your story well.
  • Make the discussion healthy and meaningful.


  • Neglect the OIR test. It also carries marks.
  • Write a pre determined story which has no relation to the picture shown.
  • Make the discussion a fish market.
  • Quarrel with others in the discussion.
  • Shout