+91 9789491947, 8248433928




  1. Be spontaneous: The key to WAT is providing immediate and spontaneous responses. Avoid overthinking or trying to come up with the “perfect” answer. Trust your instincts and write down the first word or thought that comes to your mind.
  2. Stay positive: Focus on positive associations and avoid negative or inappropriate responses. Project a positive attitude and mindset through your word associations.
  3. Be concise: Keep your responses brief and to the point. Write down single words or short phrases that capture your immediate thoughts. Avoid long explanations or stories.
  4. Maintain relevance: Try to maintain a logical or relevant connection between the stimulus word and your response. This doesn’t mean you have to provide a direct synonym, but there should be some underlying association or connection between the two.
  5. Practice speed and accuracy: To improve your speed and accuracy in WAT, practice with a wide range of words. Set a time limit for each word and challenge yourself to respond within that time frame. This will help you develop quick thinking and decision-making skills.
  6. Expand your vocabulary: Enhance your vocabulary by reading books, newspapers, and articles. This will provide you with a broader range of words and associations to draw from during the test.
  7. Be true to yourself: Maintain authenticity in your responses. Don’t try to guess what the assessors might want to hear. Instead, express your genuine thoughts and associations.
  8. Avoid repeating responses: Try to provide unique responses for each word. Avoid using the same or similar words repeatedly. This demonstrates creativity and a wider range of associations.
  9. Stay calm and composed: WAT can be a rapid-fire test, but it’s essential to remain calm and composed throughout. Stay focused and don’t let the pressure or time constraints overwhelm you.
  10. Practice beforehand: Familiarize yourself with the WAT format by practicing with sample words or previous years’ SSB interview question papers. This will help you become more comfortable with the test structure and improve your response time.

Remember, the Word Association Test is just one component of the overall assessment process. It’s important to showcase your true personality, positive attitude, and leadership qualities consistently across all aspects of the interview