+91 9789491947, 8248433928

Snake Race



 The aim is to assess the candidates’ physical fitness/ courage/ determination/ cooperation/team spirit/ behavioral attitude to others.

  • 2 or more groups are put to negotiate the obstacles in competition. There is no time limit stipulated. The snake (rope) is to be carried across a series of obstacles (usually 4-7 in number) and whichever Group does it first wins the race or task.
  • The snake provided to the candidates is to be carried straight and is not to be bent or folded.
  • Unless the last candidate in a Group has crossed a particular obstacle, the group is not allowed to move on to the next obstacle.
  • The candidates should concentrate more ob physical effort here than on the gift of the gab.
  • The criterion of the right man for the right job should be strictly adhered to. If it is a question of going up on a wall or some other obstacle, a candidate who is smart enough to do it with alacrity should be the one to do it first.  Similarly, those who are bulky can be made the best use of by putting in their weight, where required.
  • In this test, it is joint effort and performance of each group that matters.  Hence coordinated and concerted effort is likely to fetch better results and dividends.
  • The entire task should be accomplished in a sporting way and each candidates should put in his best and should not feel disheartened or dejected if, in spite of this, his group loses the race.
  • The candidate must note that the achievement of the team is adjudged out of their performance in this race. Therefore, the involvement and co-operative performance to make the group to lead effectively, after following the instructions given by GTO, will be necessary.
  • You are free to take reasonable risk where necessary, show dash and determination in tackling the obstacles. But remember that you should be the best in taking whole in group including weak candidates together, in a competitive manner and at the earliest possible.
  • There are certain general principles and rules to be observed by the Group as a whole as well as the candidates individually.  Whenever there is any breach or violation of any of those principles or rules either by the Group jointly or by the candidates severally, the whole group is penalized.  The normal penalty imposed for this purpose is that the entire group is immobilized or is brought to a halt or standstill for a varying number of seconds depending on the gravity of the offence.