+91 9789491947, 8248433928

Personal Interview



  • ntroduce wit and humor: Every one loves a person with a sense of humor and wit. If during the course of your interview, you get an opportunity to introduce humor, go ahead and do it. It will create a positive impact.
  • For example: A candidate with an unusually long name was asked by one of the members as to how many letters there are in his name.  The candidate with an impish smile answered, ”Sir, I think that by giving me such a long name my father wanted to ensure that the name of his son stands second to none.  Therefore, he put all possible alphabets in it”.
  • By giving this kind of an answer, the candidate not only showed his intelligence, but also projected that he is witty.
  • Generate interest of the Board: You have to sound focused, committed and display passion while you answer.  Nobody likes a deadwood.  The interview Board also gets tired of listening to people who speak prepared answers in a stereotyped manner.  If you show that you are different, you catch their eyes.  Once you do that, you succeed in making an impression.
  • Use your common sense: Any amount of bookish knowledge cannot replace your common sense and presence of mind.  In all interviews, the Board will ask you questions that are intended to check your common sense.  You should never get confused by such questions.  Learn to frame on the spot “smart” answers.
  • Appear confident and in control: It is natural to be a bit nervous in all interviews.  However, your appearance, answers body language should not reflect your nervousness.  You must try and appear confident.  You have to show that you are in control your self and the situation.  If you manage to do that successfully, you can be assured of creating a positive impact.