+91 9789491947, 8248433928

Personal Interview



What is expected of him? -

  • The interview is not a question and answer session. Through forceful projection of himself, a candidate must reveal his very best and most accurate aspects, to enable the IO to assess him of OLQ.


  • During the interviewhear the questions carefully. Do not answer in haste. If you do not understand a question or are in doubt about it, have it clarified by asking –“I beg your pardon, Sir”. You speech should be natural/frank/clear/confident. Do not speak too loud, but be audible. Your answers should be brief and to the point. Do not talk too much. Restrict your answer within the limits of the subject.


  • Do not fiddle with any part of your body. Do not try to bluff the IO. When you do not know the answer to a question frankly admit that. When the IO asks you any questions which you consider foolish, do not get upset.  Give your answers courteously.


Test of patience -

  • The IO, when puts the problems or the critical situations and wants to know his reactions, efforts, resourcefulness and mental drive, he should respond with cool mind and try his best with natural, practical and possible solution of the problem or his tangible efforts to tackle with the situations. The IO will some time keep on driving him to check up his mental stamina and stability of the mind.  He should be mentally strong enough to face such situations.


  •  He should not show his tiredness or frustration under any circumstances.    It is advisable that the candidate should keep on continuing his answers so far he can do.  He should keep in his mind that every problem has the solution.


  • If he tries to anger or provoke you, do not lose your temper or get excited, because he is only testing your nerve and your capacity for patience.  You must remain cool minded.


  • The candidate should know that most of the task in the armed forces are carried out under stress with time limit mainly during the operations and the wards.
  • Organizing – The main function of a leader is to plan and organize the human and material resources ably.  This ability includes not only his making the best use of available resources, but also to combine ideas and create a new one to meet the challenge of the problem at hand.