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Personal Interview



Role of Body language

Every part of your body emits signals, which interpreted by the people evaluating you at an interview

  • It is said that actions speak louder than words.  Studies have proved that 60 % of the communication you make consists of body language alone.  Therefore, during an interview it is not just your tongue which conveys something. For instance, your body language conveys whether you are an insecure or a self-ensured person; whether you are speaking truthfully or not; and whether you are relaxed or tense.  Your body language reflects your enthusiasm, your sincerity and your sense of humor too. It is true that positive body language cannot be developed overnight, yet it can be developed.


  • Golden rules to follow:

*   Sport a smile. It conveys enthusiasm.  But don’t keep grinning. You will only convey stupidity.

          *   Maintain attentive eye contact.  But don’t stare.

 *   Be relaxed.  Don’t rush through the process.  Let the interviewer decide   about the pace of the interview.

   *   Try to mirror the interviewers’ technique.  Laugh if they laugh.

   *   If you get caught in a difficult situation, try to keep your cool.  Don’t look as if your world has just crashed at your feet.

   *   Try to remain alert.  Sit up straight. Don’t slump.  Adjust your position slightly if you are uncomfortable.  But don’t fidget.

   *   Try to project an open, honest and confident attitude.

  • Signs to watch out for

*   Fidgeting – It conveys restlessness, boredom or both.

   *   Crossing of arms – Conveys a non-listening attitude. 

       *    Foot tapping – Indicates boredom.  It is very distracting too.

*    Other gestures – Touching your face, or hair indicates that you are hiding something.  Looking away, hesitating before speaking indicates you are confused and unsure of yourself.

  • Meaning of positive and negative signals

*   Leaning forward, open arms and nodding indicates responsiveness, eagerness.

*   Tilted head, constant eye contact and verbal acknowledgement indicate attentive listening.

        *   Smile indicates confidence and attentiveness.

        *   Frowning, head down, folded arms indicate rejection.

        *   Leaning far forward, finger pointing and grinding teeth indicates aggression.

        *   Touching your face, hands over mouth, eyes averted etc indicate lying.