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Personal Interview



  • The Gait – This refers to the manner of walking, bend forward in salutation and walking steadily towards the interviewer’s table is more desirable.
  • Hands – Keep your hands gestures to a minimum.  Some movements of hands while speaking is natural; just make sure they are no flailing about wildly.  Also be sure to keep your hands visible at all times, as not doing so can send a subliminal message that you are untrustworthy.
  • The Handshake – When the interviewed extends his hand for a handshake, the candidate should grasp it fully and press it to a certain degree.  Pressing it too hard would convey the meaning to the interviewer that the candidate is impertinent and disrespectful.  Not pressing it and touching it lightly only, would be interpreted by the interviewer that the candidate is anxious and afraid of him.  Moreover, the candidate need not be the first to extend his hand for a handshake with the interviewer.  Let it be a the senior’s prerogative.

Shaking hands well is an art.  Everyone should receive a firm but  not bone crushing handshake.  Be sure not to pump the other person’s hand and arm too vigorously or for too long.  A quick, one or two pumps, will suffice.  And use only one hand; the two-handed shake (with your second hand patting the top) reminds of the receiving line at weddings and funerals.

  • Sitting Posture – The candidate should sit in the middle of the seat of the chair offered to him.  He should avoid sitting on the edge of the chair.  His sitting on the edge would indicate that he is tense and nervous.  Similarly, he should avoid leaning backward.  Because leaning backward would suggest that he is not adequately serious about the interview situation.
  • Gestures – The candidate should make suitable gestures with his arms, hands, fingers, etc., to elaborate his viewpoints.  At the same time he should avoid gestures like tapping the tabletop, dangling legs etc which are suggestive of nervousness.