+91 9789491947, 8248433928

Personal Interview



  1. Come out with natural potentiality and be cheerful right from the beginning till the last.
  2. Overcome the difficulty in effective communication
  3. Give an impression to judge you that you are alert liberal and broad minded, intelligent, diligent and balanced.
  4. Maintain balance and maturity in your reply showing poise, stead fastness and yet an open mind, when the IO asks provocating questions.
  5. (in interview you are your own salesman.  Hence project your best skill, maturity in  it. Remember IO is buyer and he has great choice and can afford to be choosy.
  6. Sell your qualifications, knowledge, experience and personality
  7. Show that you appear to be good package with better material inside it.
  8. Truthful, to the point and complete.
  9. Marshall all facts, integrate them with each other and arrive at a conclusion by expressing your thoughts clearly and precisely.
  10. Remember that the IO is looking for excellent human raw material, which could be trained and groomed into a fine officer. He is in need of a good worker and are genuinely interested in determining if you are that person.
  11. Mentally flexible and avoid being rigid.
  12. Remain alert, liberal and broadminded, intelligent, diligent, balanced, a person capable of holding views and wise.
  13. Not entirely be non-committed, but arrive at some conclusions.
  14. Never tell a lie during interview since it would be easily identified by subsequent questions and you will end up at point of no return.