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Personal Interview



There are common POINTS which, if hit by mistake, will automatically trigger negative responses from the interviewer

    POINTS 1 – Averting your eye means averting the offer.

The Moral – If you find it difficult to look into  someone’s eyes, look at his ‘third eye’, just above and between the person’s two eyes.


POINTS  2 – Not communicating means not interested. When the interviewer asks him as to whether he has any queries, the candidate still does not respond or at best say a polite ‘no’. The candidate only displays a lack of interest, or shows that he is just not prepared. 

The Moral – When asked if you have any queries, never say ‘no’. Candidates should think of each question as an opportunity to induce conversation and to discuss what they can bring to the organization. Interviewers also know that those who are unwilling to communicate will never be able to work in teams.


    POINTS 3 – Communicating too much can literally mean ‘too much’.

The moral – Candidates should stay focused and answer question asked in not more than three to five minutes.


    POINTS 4 – Little lies mean ‘very big’ impressions.

The moral – Never over emphasize your skills. You will only get frustrated, and it will   show up during the interview.


POINTS 5 – Using casual or street speak language will only leave you on the street. Poor communication skills really irate interviewers. What is meant by communication skills is not merely language fluency, but also how candidates use the language.  Slang and street speak words just don’t fit the corporate domain.  Candidates who make use of sounds and words like ‘um,’like’ and ‘uh’ between every other word lose interviewers’ attention quickly.

    The Moral – Speak professionally, using formal business language.


    POINTS 6 – Making a fashion statement in interviews means going out of fashion.

    The Moral – Whatever you wear should accent the fact that you are a professional who is ready to   get to work at a new job.  Let common sense by you guide.


    POINTS 7 – Failure to close means your chances are closed too.

The Moral – If you don’t close the interview, then you are not selling yourself.  However do remember, questions about perks and benefits should be reserved for a human resources representative and preferably only after a job offer.