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5.         Social adaptability.     The ability of an individual to adapt himself to the social environment and adjust well with persons and social groups, with special reference to superiors, equal and subordinates. Social adaptability includes social intelligence, attitude towards others, tact, and adaptability.

(a)        Social Intelligence.     It is the intelligence ability applied in social field. It is the ability to understand people & adjust well in new surroundings.           

            (b)        Attitude towards others.        The ability to put oneself into the other man’s position so as to appreciate justifiable difficulties, to enable rendering help in a proper way.

            (c)        Tact.    Skillful management of the feelings of the persons dealt with.

(d)        Adaptability.   The ability to adjust to the environment with special reference to the social situations in that environment. When considering service aspect it involves not only a resilient nature shown by and accommodative tendency but also keenness and interest in service life.

* Persons with higher adaptability are genial, very spontaneous in adjusting well in short time, outgoing, amiable, accommodative, flexible understanding, friendly & sympathetic.


6.         Cooperation.    The attitude of an individual to participate willingly in harmony with others in a group, in achieving the group goal. This implies a belief in the collective effort being more productive than the individual effort. Cooperation includes the element of joint effort and team spirit. Team spirit indicates loyalty to the aims and objects of the group to the extent of subordinating individual aim to the group aim.

*        Such persons are altruistic, selfless, volunteers workers with tremendous esprit – de corps. They are also humane, warm hearted, spontaneous and group minded people.


7.         Sense of Responsibility:        It enable a person to be dependable and to willingly discharge his obligation. It includes sense of duty but is much more comprehensive in meaning and scope. It implies:

(a)        Sense of duty                Faithfully and firmly doing what one is ordered to do.

(b)        Disciplene.        A trained sense of acting strictly in accordance with rules, regulations and conventions. This factor promotes development of self control  and keeps one within bounds of social and normal standards.

Sense of responsibility therefore means:-

(a)        A through understanding of the values of duty, social standard, and of what is required of an individual and then to give it his energy and attention of his own accord.           

            (b)        Doing one’s best, carrying out even unspecified and probably unforeseen duties and obligations rather than faithfully carrying out what one is told to do. It demonstrates moral willingness to bear the consequences.

*        Persons with higher sense of  responsibility are exceptionally dutiful, faithful and respectful to authority. They are very conscientious and go out of the way to soldier responsibilities.