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The quality of Communication Skills:

Clarity of thoughts and effective communication are a must quality to bring the effectiveness in the proper implementation of the orders given by a leader. Followers may get mislead because of confusions created by the lack of communication and a person won’t be able to be a great leader. All the officers conducting the interview will specifically look for this quality of a candidate to allow him to serve the Armed Forces.

Self Confidence:

Self Confidence is something that forms a part of leader’s qualities; unless he is self-confident he cannot pass effective orders. His confidence also matters to his followers who have to follow his orders, unless he is confident they won’t feel confident to do the task at hand. Thus this is one of the main Officer Like Qualities a candidate must present to the SSB board in order to get selected.

The quality of Decision Making:

With the power of an officer there comes the decision making ability that he must have by which he gives various orders to his subordinates and cause to implement the work, this quality is also responsible for there being any scope for major and minor mishaps, damages or accidents and can be avoided by taking right decisions at right time. Various tasks and activities are so designed in the process of an interview SSB that this quality is tested and a candidate is selected if has it in him.

The quality of Persuasiveness:

One of the qualities amongst all other Officer Like Qualities is the quality of Persuasiveness that forms the base to be a great leader. If the officer is not able to persuade his followers in getting the work done then he cannot be a great leader. Thus it is not wrong if a candidate is rejected for lack of this quality of persuasiveness, this is tested in tasks like Commander Task which a part of SSB interview where a candidate has to act like an officer and give commands to the other candidates acting as his subordinate to get the work done.