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1.         Effective Intelligence.            Is the intelligence utilized in coping with practical situations of varying complexity. It is different from basic intelligence which is the capacity to perceive relations or to do abstract thinking. Basic intelligence is assessed by the use of intelligence tests may be verbal or non verbal effective intelligence includes the following:

(a)        Practical intelligence. The capacity to evolve independent solutions of practical problems and situations.

(b)        Resourcefulness.       The capacity to use the available means for the desired end with the help of improvisation of resources and finding a solution when in a tight corner.

* Generally students with higher effective intelligence are bright, mentally sharp, penetrating, innovative and inventive.


2.         Reasoning ability.      The ability to grasp the essentials well and to arrive at conclusions by rational & logical thinking. It includes receptivity, inquiring attitude, logical reasoning and seeing essentials of a problem.

(a)        Receptivity.    The ability to understand and absorb new impressions. It involves interest, attention and grasping power.

(b)        Inquiring attitude.      Healthy curiosity resulting in an urge to increase one’s general knowledge and experience in life.

(c)        Logical reasoning.      The ability to arrive at conclusion or judgment based strictly on a presses of rational thinking and excluding emotional factors.

(d)        Seeing essentials of a problem.         The ability by which the individual is not only clear in his knowledge of the situation at hand, but also is able to analyses various factors, shift them in order of importance and make best use of them towards achieving a solution.

* Students with higher reasoning ability are exceptionally sharp, analytical, highly imaginative, logical & practical.


3.         Organising ability.      The ability to arrange the resources in a systematic way so as to produce effective results. It can also be defined as the ability to put to the best use of the available means for attainment of a desired objective.

* Students with higher org ability are very meticulous in planning est dealing with complex issues without over looking details, use commonsense, original in actions and quick in comprehension.


4.         Power of expression.              This is the most important tools of personality where his/her ability to put across ideas adequately with ease and clarity are assessed.

* Students with this quality are more eloquent, forceful, lucid, precise & effective in their expression.