MYTHS #21 : Doing more obstacles in the GTO tests gets you selected.
Not true. Candidates doing 14 obstacles sometimes get rejected and people doing 5 and getting recommended.
MYTHS #22 : Cross questioning the IO will get you recommended.
Wrong. Over smart candidates are ignored.
MYTHS #23 : The OIR test does not play any role in the screening test.
Wrong. On the other hand, this test plays a vital role in ones screen in.
MYTHS #24 : Writing pre conceived stories overflowing with OLQs will clear you in the psychology test.
A candidate has to write naturally as to how your mind want to express on seeing the picture. The overall performance of a candidate is assessed by the testing officer.
MYTHS #25 : Having more certificates will get you selected.
There is no relevance on the quantity of certificates held by you. The testing officers see you whether you have performed anything of a leader / officer