Selection Procedure
Task 5: Lecturette
- This task is for analyzing, how you think, how you express yourself, how you motivate others.
- You will be given list of 4 topics written on a sheet
- you need to pick up this from table and go to prepare any topic from that list for 3 minutes and give lecture on that topic for 3 minutes
- GTO will inform you at 2.5 minutes and will ring a bell at 3 minutes to stop your lecture.
- while giving lecture keep your voice tone same and audible to GTO and others
- don’t go for tough language and don’t be boring
- try to show both sides of topic and put your view with some examples that you may know.
- Keep smiling face and avoid unwanted facial gestures.
- And when you sitting for others’ lecture, be a good listener, you might get a few indirect ideas to include/exclude in your lecture.
- This test is done by diving your group into half number .
- If you couldn’t play a good role in previous tasks due to the crowd or some dominating candidates then this is time when you can show your guts and put yourself at top in race.
- There will be only one task similar to what you did in the Progressive Group Task (PGT), but some what modified in nature .
- and all GTO rules will apply here as previous rules.
- Give suggestions and work in a group and proceed for success.