+91 9789491947, 8248433928

Selection Procedure



Task  7:  Individual obstacles

  • This will be test of individuals and you need to complete this within 3 minutes and consists of  10 obstacles and these obstacles will have marks as per their number like if obstacle no,7 will carry 7 marks and after finishing all 10 obstacles you can perform more till time permits you.
  • Prefer the obstacles that give more marks at first go.
  • You can start from anywhere and do any task at anytime but you need to complete 10 obstacle have want to repeat these for more marks.
  • For Confidence bridge, there will be colour rule: don’t touch o red colour as it will be outbound area. And when you will be there at commando walk GTO will say…” when you reach at top shout out your girlfriends name…etc
  • Before going for individual obstacles he will show you each obstacle and how to go through each obstacle, CHM will show you how to do that… at that time see obstacles and plan your route so you don’t waste time in unnecessary movements later.
  • Be confident while doing every obstacle. And if you get stuck at any obstacle try once ,twice and still you cant,  make it go for next.