Personal Interview
Everyone is different, and while you do not want to be too formulaic, there are definitely a few things you will want to keep in mind that should universally help show you in a positive light while preparing for interview.
Small things make a huge difference and we have listed tips to make the first impression the best and make the interview a successful one.
1. Your interview starts the moment you walk Into the room of IO
2.. Answer interview questions by communicating strongly ; prove what makes you unique rather than just explaining what you did.
5. Create a brief about your skills and achievements to give to the IO.
9. When asked questions about mistakes you have made, be authentic, explain what you learned from the experience, and do not get defensive.
10. If asked about your weaknesses, do not spin weaknesses into strengths; it's not credible and who wants to hire someone they do not trust?
11. Interviewees are a risk to recommend because they do not know you. Prove success that can be duplicated to earn trust.
12. A good interviewee is also a good listener. The questions asked provide clues to what the IO needs and expects.
13. For women, avoid heavy perfume, makeup, and jewelry on interviews. For men, go for a clean-shaven look, short hair, and polished shoes.
14. For men and women, cover up any tattoos and remove body piercing before interviews (other than earrings for women).
15. Before the interview, turn off your cell phone, take loose change out of your pocket, and do not show up with your own coffee from Starbucks.
16. Be memorable for what you say during an interview, not for what you wear.
17. While waiting for your interview, check out the surroundings. Do people look frazzled or happy? These are clues into the department culture.
18. Try to relax – do not sit on the edge of your chair and do not lean too far back: sit up reasonably straight and still.