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Articles of PD



Let’s look at these 5 traits that lead people to success:
a) Being opportunistic: Open the door when opportunity knocks; be willing to be decisive and take bold decisions.

b) Ability to network and persuade people: The value of this skill cannot be overstated. What you know is important, but who you know is probably more important. The people you know will be able to unlock opportunities and get you to where you want to be.

c) Having a can-do attitude: The journey towards success is never a smooth one; it is one that will test one’s spirit, willingness and commitment to succeed to the fullest. A ‘can-do’ attitude is a must.

d) Being inquisitive: Success comes to people who seek answers. Be it an entrepreneur, an inventor, a manager – constantly asking the right questions and finding answers to those is critical. The quality of your questions will have a direct bearing on the quality of your answers; the quality of the answers/ solutions that you come up with differentiate you from others. As Francis Crick said, “If you ask big questions, you get big answers.”

e) Being genuine and open: If you believe that trust is a vital ingredient for achieving success, it is easy to see the importance of being genuine and open.