+91 9789491947, 8248433928

Articles of PD



To get the best out of his men, an officer has to follow the following tips:

  • Become part of your unit/men. Talk of “we” and not “you”. Take more than half of any blame, pass on the praise to the men. Leave the men in no doubt that you intend that their will be the best in the org.


  • Have a thorough knowledge and understanding of each men under your command.  Address him by his name and know his language.


  • Let the men see at what you can do and will do everything you ask them  to do, however, tough and unpleasant it may be. Play and take instructional classes regularly.


  • Look after their leave, welfare and all personal matters.


  • Participate in their religious functions and respect their belief.


  • When operating outdoors, must never sit down to a meal till your men have eaten.


  • Never lose your temper.  Righteous anger is a very different thing from uncontrolled rage.  Never abuse your men.  Take special care to uphold the honor and dignity of your men, especially in the presence of their family members.


  • Be accessible.  The men have a right to see you at the right time and place.  It is your job to fix the time and place.  Spend at least one evening per week with your men in the unit. It is on such occasion the they come out with their personal problems.


  • Visit your men when they are in hospital and attend to their needs.  Never relent on this and fine time for it no matter what your other pre-occupations may be.


  • Should not allow grumbling about the org. Make your men realize that they are part of the org.


  • Take your men into your confidence whenever possible.  Make a special effort to explain without delay the reason for irksome orders.  Insist on participating in irksome tasks.                                                                                       


Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.