Selection Procedure
Pilot Aptitude Battery Test also called PABT is conducted for the candidates who aspire to join flying branch of Indian Air Force, Indian Navy, Indian Army and Coast Guard of Indian Armed Forces.
Pilot Aptitude Battery Test is aimed at assessing a candidate’s aptitude to be trained as a pilot. It is conducted during Services Selection Board.
One can only take Pilot Aptitude Battery Test once in lifetime.
Newer format of PABT comprises three tests viz Instrument Battery Test (INSB), Sensory Motor Apparatus Test (SMA) and Control Velocity Test (CVT). PABT was recently replaced by CPSS(Computerized Pilot Selection System). CPSS test is the brainchild of APJ Abdul Kalam. It was developed as an intelligent tool for aptitude test in consonance with advanced aircraft. It has been jointly developed by the Defense Institute of Psychological Research and the Air Defense Establishment – premier organisations of the Defense Research and Development Organization. The system will be used to screen pilots for IAF, Army, Navy and the Coast Guard. CPSS machine is like a cockpit with a joystick, pedals and a lever (like in an aircraft) with a screen in front. Aspirant is made to play 10 games similar to video games with joystick and he/she has to get a certain score in all games combined to clear this test. It tests the hand-leg-vision-hearing coordination. Aspirant gets 1 trial and then 3 chances in each game and the best score is considered out of the 3 chances.
Instrument Battery Test
Instrument Battery Test also called INSB is a paper pencil and machine based test.
The Instruments Battery Test (INSB) comprises two parts. It assesses assimilation of the briefing and the ability of an individual to read and interpret the dials of an instrument panel of an aircraft. The candidates who score the minimum laid down criteria are subjected to the machine test.
The machine test includes Sensory Motor Apparatus Test (SMA) and Control Velocity Test (CVT).
These tests measure the psychomotor co-ordination skill of the individual. These tests are conducted on a single day and administered only once in lifetime.
It is part of PABT which is conducted at Services Selection Board and comprises three tests viz Instrument Battery Test (INSB), Sensory Motor Apparatus Test (SMA) and Control Velocity Test (CVT).