Selection Procedure
7. Later he would put the candidate through an exercise in planning and organization, like organizing a cycle trip or a picnic etc. The idea is to find out whether the candidate can think of obvious and the hidden resources; whether he can organize the trip with due respect to time and space. During the course of this the interviewing officer may deny you various resources to put the individual under stress. This only to find out whether the candidate can think clearly under situation of stress. To show an example the candidate may be asked to organize a basket ball match. Now the most important is the court. If you say that you would like to use the court that is available in the SSB, he would deny it to you. You must have that much presence of mind to think of another alternative in a local school or college. He may also pose problems of incompatibility in your team. Like say one of your teammate opposing your appointment as captain. So your reaction should be that an average responsible individual i.e., when firmness is warranted show it. In this case you have been given a task and it is your responsibility tom carry it out. As for some is opposing your capacity, you have been appointed as captain by some one in authority. So he firm with oppose. But at no time should one lose temper take law in your hand or be rigid.
8. As far as social aspects are concerned, you should not have rigid or sarcastic view. For example, if one is talking of Khalistan, the issue of courses is unreasonable, but you should not show hatred or castrigate Sikhs as community Similarly, do not blame an organization, institution or individual for your shortcomings. Foe example if your marks in Math are poor do not blame the school or the Teacher. If your search your mind, you will realize that the fault lies with you than anyone else. You must project yourself as a broadminded individual, who is aware of his weakness and has a will to learn and improve.