Selection Procedure
Individual Obstacles. As the name indicates, this task is an individual task. The candidate hs to go over a course of 10 obstacles during the time of 3 minutes. The obstacles are remembered from 1 to 16. The number of obstacles denote two things:-
(a) The serial numbers.
(b) The marks you score, if you do it successfully.
Though, they are numbered, they are not arranged in a serial fashion on the ground. Hence you will find that no 1 is in one corner and no2 may be in the other corner. Meaning thereby, that they may be arranged or laid in a haphazard manner. The candidate can go over the course in any sequence that he wishes to do. That is, he does not have to do it serially. Supposing a candidate completes all 10 obstacles successfully he can start repeating the course again not necessarily serially. The successful way of doing it is the exact way. The GTO has explained it to the candidates. But then the repetition is allowed/possible only if you have completed all the 10 obstacles successfully once.
If the serial number of the obstacles also denotes the marks that you obtain, 18 obstacles should give you 55 marks (N x N + .5) if you add us 1 to 10, your endeavor should be to score maximum marks possible in the allotted 3 minutes.