+91 9789491947, 8248433928

Selection Procedure


How can you do it?

(a)               Do not try to do it serially.

(b)               Plan your course in such a manner that in one unhesitating, uncompress sense, you do all the ten first.

(c)               Sometime, in certain boards, you find that the obstacle are placed in cluster of 2-3. So you plan in such a manner, that you do certain clusters first.

(d)               If your feel that there is a certain obstacle that is difficult for you, try and do it successfully so that there is one thing less to worry about and also because you can repeat the course only, when you have successfully completed the whole courses. If you keep it for the last may be due to exhaustion, you may not be able to complete it and hence even if you have time, you may not be able to repeat.

(e)               Show urgency and a sense of purpose in your effort.

(f)                 Plan your course in such a way that the GTO go to impression as such and also that you know, what you are    doing.

(g)               A confused person is one who gets lost on the course.

(h)               Do not hesitate on heights or pits. There is a lot of difference in being cautions and showing cautions. If a follow shows or exhibit caution in doing something it is but natural, but if he is always cautions in doing something, his courage is suspect.

(i)                 Do urgent at business lines in your efforts , but not foolhardy or blash in your efforts.

(j)                  Do not walk away from the course, till your time is up.

      The GTO is trying to find out ;

(a)   Physical fitness

(b)   Planning of effort

(c)   Coordination of mind and body

(d)   Sense of urgency and purpose

(e)   The courage

(f)     Complex at heights and falls

(g)   Rule of consequences.